AM: Tracy Turco is a fashion trend setter, entrepreneur, author, interior designer, artist, and founder of an international tea line, Salontea. You have hosted several celebrity tea parties, and so much more. What ignited this spark in you to weave the lifestyle that you lead today?
I love entertaining old world style with a modern edge. I enjoy cooking, baking and setting a beautiful table with all the finest accoutrements. Bringing people together & celebrating life is my gift to share…Tea is the common denominator that brings people together.
AM: If you could travel back in time to the beginning of your startup, what advice would you give yourself, in order to prevent the mistakes and heartaches you endured during you journey to success today?
My advice is to trust yourself and your intuition. I always heard the naysayers, but never listened to their cautionary opinions. There are definite risks but if you trust your vision and channel your talents organically it will happen. You don’t have to chase after things, they will come to you. JUST BELIEVE!
AM: As a fashion trend setter, where do you get your inspirations from and who are your favorite designers?
Im not out that often and do make appearances to many events to support my friends .People that truly know me know that I’m immersed in reading books, listening to music & vintage vinyl and classic movies and art. Life inspires me, new places I visited my fashion closet is my soundtrack to my life. Different movies and period pieces and genres inspire me. What is old is new again and constantly in a change of motion . My style is ever evolving and I don’t follow trends I’m in my own creative world…My favorite designers of the moment are my friends; Maggie Norris, victor de Souza, Gemma kahng, harrison MORGAN, Edwing de Angelo and cushnie et ochs. I also have an outstanding vintage designer collection of Norell, Schiaparelli, Halston, Gucci, and vintage Carolina Herrera

AM: What is your philosophy about the Art of fashion?
The art of Fashion philosophy for me is to take what you have an make it a creative expression of your mood for the moment and constantly reinvent yourself.
AM: Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
5 years from now I’m living off the land and gardening and in love and wearing a gorgeous caftan glamorously barefoot with Chunky cuff bracelets
( my signature trademark )
AM: If you could host a private dinner party with five of your most admired guests, whom would they be?
George sand, Gertrude stein, Thelonious monk, Picasso, F Scott Fitzgerald, Josephine baker, Anais ninn, Golda Meir, Ezra pound, Marie Antoinette, jane Austen, William butler Yeats
AM: Any closing thoughts?
I am romantic and march to the beat of my own drum…I suppose that makes me a free spirit and so is my
lifestyle…celebrate life in all ways.
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-Tea & Co. Iced Tea
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