Featured Artists

Tracy Turco
Tracy Turco is one of New York's most multifaceted and electric socialites. She holds many businesses: SalonTea and T&Co; a travel guide called GypChic, a skateboard deck designing studio; an interior design company; a real estate firm; and a closet on VillageLuxe and shoe designer. She is all about style, yet has an uncanny ability to infuse this passion into all of her projects. One could say she is a modern Renaissance woman when referring to her extremely diverse taste in fashion and decor.

Luciana Pampalone
Luciana Pampalone and I share much in common. As we have worked a bouquet of creative industries, including production, fashion, and fine art. We use all of our knowledge, experience and surroundings to create the artwork that we do. The artist says of her vision: “I am inspired by people, travel and nature. I photograph many women so the women become in essence self-representational in my imagery. Luciana is a high concept artist and is a walking installation. Check out her work and schedule a studio visit through lucianapampalonestudios.com